Thursday, September 15, 2011

Koi Pond Green Water Algae

A picture of a pond in a residential garden.Image via WikipediaGreen water in a very koi pond or fish pond is really a dreadful site. In most cases it really doesn't pose any adverse health threat unless it will become overabundant.

Planktonic algae is the type of algae responsible for green water in ponds and gets so thick regarding resemble pea soup. It requires two standard needs for survival, food and light. Keeping nutrient levels low enough to avoid algae can be a difficult task. Nutrients are located in fish food, within the soil and rockwork that may runoff to your pond during rain events, in leaves and also other natural waste that will fall into your Koi Pond plus in fish waste.

While algaecides can be obtained that can eliminate the green water algae, a far greater approach is always to attempt a natural, balanced eco-system. In a very balanced system, the nutrients created by you and your fish are employed naturally utilised by plant life in the pond, degraded by pond bacteria or filtered out by pond filters. If these elements are properly available, there will be no surplus of nutrients, and thus, will not be offered to nuisance algae. Additionally, a pond shouldn't contain more fish that it could support simply because this adds to a greater waste load that this pond must cope with.

Should the fight to balance the ecosystem be more difficult that initially thought, there's also several methods of artificially controlling green water algae, the most efficient of which is often a U.V. filter. UV will actually neutralize the floating algae that flows through it, effectively controlling the population. Although that will mask the challenge, it will not cure it, creating a potential outbreak situation in the event the equipment ceases proper operation.

There's also many commercially available algae-destroying products. They are the inexpensive on the high end, all with varying results. If utilizing such algaecides, make sure to carefully read the label. Many of these contain copper, and can kill invertebrates and plants, plus some will even kill fish! There are some that will help with the biological filter, eliminating the nutrient supply of the algae. These may be effectively included with your maintenance regimen with achievement.

The war on green water can be a battle that can be won. Although the nutrient source cannot be eliminated completely, it may be limited to a workable size through adequate factories, a good U.V. filter, and appropriately sized filtration, crystal-clear pond water could become a reality.

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