Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Koi Fish Feeding

Koi PondImage by camknows via Flickr
Koi Fish are beautiful and they are unique in it's their particular ways, from personality to coloring. Another great aspect about Koi is they can be conditioned to eat right through your hand. They are going to recognize the individual feeding them and can quickly gather around them when it is time to feed. This can make for a very enjoyable moment by looking at your very own Koi pond to offer them their food.

Koi fish will eat both meat matter and plant matter, which makes them omnivorous. Their appetites are maximized when their hot and cold levels is ranging from 61 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They're lively eaters, and also have been seen to eat most anything they can fit in their mouths, including acorns, worms, snails, and in many cases grass around the edge of ponds. They are going to eat insects which might be within their range also.

You'll find specialized blends of Koi pellet food which is available from well stocked pet supply stores. But a Koi owner can also feed them lettuce, peas, and bits of watermelon. A high quality and well rounded diet will offer Koi fish vibrant colors and plenty of energy.

Once the temperature cools, such as fall and cold months of winter, the Koi fish's digestive system will slow and they'll not need to become fed as often. In fact, if the temperature dips below 50 degrees, you need to stop feeding your Koi fish, because any leftover food within their stomach can be rancid and cause certain illness to them.

Feeding your Koi fish can be an enjoyable time and energy to share with them. It may be relaxing and fulfilling, seeing your fish wanting to interact with you. Remembering these key principles will make sure your fish are satisfied and healthy, and they around for years so you can enjoy them.

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