Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to Care For Koi Fish - The Right Way

These multi colored beauties will give your family endless hours of enjoyment. Koi, Cyprinus carpio, is a colorful variety of the common carp. Koi fish are gorgeous and amazing to watch. Koi will reach over eighteen inches in a few years, and grow up to three feet in length.

Koi are a durable fish from Japan. Koi live longer and are bigger than goldfish, some weighing over forty pounds. These fish have an average lifespan of twenty years. There are reports of Koi living hundreds of years. The fish come in a display of bright colors such as orange, yellow, white, red, and black. You can find fantail koi, which have long draping fins and tails.

In order to know how to care for Koi, you need to know what factors to consider in terms of pond design, pond size and depth, and pond construction before you build your own Koi fishpond. A Japanese or Oriental design is popular in Koi ponds. Features like a waterfall or fountain are an attractive addition. A pond measuring 10 X 10 feet is recommended to hold up to three koi fish. Koi require deeper water than other pond fish. Do not overcrowd the pond because Koi need a large enough area to swim. Smooth rocks will keep them from being injured when they spawn on the bottom of your pond. Koi have been called the 'rabbit of the river'. Each female can lay thousands of eggs in a season.

The most important part of keeping the best quality stock is understanding and properly using Koi pond supplies. Maintain your pond regularly to keep it free of debris. To decrease the risk of having water quality problems, use a pump and filter system throughout the year. Using a pond heater prevents sores, diseases, and guards against temperature changes. Without a heater, Koi will drop to the bottom of the pond and remain inactive.

Koi should be fed daily. There is special Koi pellet food to feed your fish. Koi food is nutritionally balanced, and floats to encourage the fish to the surface. They also enjoy a bit of variety. Koi will often eat peas, lettuce, and watermelons. Koi will recognize the person feeding them and gather around at feeding times. They can be trained to take food from your hand.

Take extra precaution for the safety of your fish against wildlife. There are nets or motion detectors to protect your fish from harm. The Koi's bright colors put them at a severe disadvantage against predators. Raccoons, cats, foxes, and badgers would like to make a meal of your Koi fish.

Koi are some of the most colorful fish in the world. They are symbols of love and friendship in Japan. Koi are believed to bring good luck or fung shui in Chinese culture. You will receive decades of pleasure from knowing how to care for Koi. 

For more information on how to care for Koi, you can visit

Peter Naumann is an expert and lover of Koi fish. You can visit his website at

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